Altimet SAS, 354 voie Magellan Parc d’activités Alpespace -73800 SAINTE-HÉLÈNE-DU-LAC – FRANCE
Tel: 04 50 81 88 88 | Fax: 04 50 80 85 40 | Email:
Capital social de : 498 466, 50€
N° au registre du commerce et des sociétés (RCS): 479 696 445
Registre du commerce de Thonon-Les-Bains
N° de TVA intracommunautaire: FR63479696445
directeur de la publication: Ulysse Mathelin
The content, design, layout, name and logo of the site are copyrighted . Any use, reproduction, or copying of this content is forbidden without a written permission of Altimet SAS ..
The responsability:
The website content is only provides for your information and and is subject to change at any time without notice. Product features that are presented in the website do not constitue specifications.